RegEx Snippets

Useful RegEx snippets that are categorized and searchable (see below)

Table of Contents



Match mm/dd/yyyy
Accepts mm/dd/yyyy, mm-dd-yyyy, or mm.dd.yyyy and doesn’t care about leading zeroes.


Match mon/dd/yyyy
Accepts mon/dd/yyyy, mon-dd-yyyy, or mon.dd.yyyy and doesn’t care about leading zeroes or case. For example, will match “jan/10/2017”


Match month names
Accepts month names (both full and abbreviated), and doesn’t care about case. For example, it will match “January” and “jan”.



Match image filenames



Match city, state abbreviation (Matches “Los Angeles, CA” for example)

/[a-zA-Z\s]*, [A-Z][A-Z]/

Match credit cards (Make sure to strip the string of all commas, spaces, etc. before matching)








Visa Mastercard:


Match email addresses


Match US Phone Numbers
Matches ###-###-####, (###) ###-####, and ### ### ####


Match valid hexadecimal colors


Match social security number
Matches ###-##-####


Match ZIP Codes (5 digit and 9 digit)



Match dollar signs and comma separators in a number: This can be used to strip a number string into an actual number.


Matching leading zeroes:



Match new lines


Match strong passwords (At least one lower case, one upper case, one number, one special character, and 10 characters long):


Match usernames (alphanumeric string of a certain length):
Replace MIN_CHARS and MAX_CHARS with the minimum and maximum length of the username, respectively.



Extract URL from an anchor tag
For example, if str = “<a href = ‘’ ></a>”, this RegEx would return “”.

str.match(/<a\s+(?:[^>]*?\s+)?href ?= ?["']([^'^"]*)["'][^>]*>/i)[1]

Match all content within a specific HTML tag (Replace “p” with whatever tag you want)


Match HTML tags


Match IPv4 Addresses


Match Twitter Usernames


Match URLs


Match URL safe strings


Match URL Slug
